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In what ways has Kenya benefited from industrialization?


Describe ways in which Kenya has benefited from industrialization.



(i) It has led to the improvement in the balances of trade since there is added value to the export exchange.

(ii) It has led to expansion of settlement or urban centre as labourers migrate to the industrial centres.

(iii) It has led to reduction of the importation of some industrial goods thus saving foreign exchange.

(iv) Kenya taxes industrial goods, thus earning revenue which is then used to develop other sectors of the economy.

(v) It has created employment opportunities hence raising the standards of living of the people.

(vi) It has led to the development of transport and communication network thus facilitating the development of other sectors of the economy.

(vii) It has facilitated the establishment of social amenities in the area where industries are located.

(viii) It has led to the diversification of the economy thus reducing reliance on the agricultural sector.

(ix) It has led to the acquisition of management or technical skills which are also used in other sectors of economy.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 22, 2017 at 07:43

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