(i) Japan's terrain is too ragged unsuitable unsuitable for development for agricultural and thus industries provide an alternative source of income to be used for buying and other requirements.
(ii) The strategic position of Japan in relation to other countries encourages trade thus promoting production of vehicles.
(iii) The country has adequate capital to invest in the industry.
(iv) Advanced technology has led to the efficient methods of production thus high quality cars which are competitive in the world market.
(v) Japan has highly skilled workforce which enhances efficiency in production.
(vi) Japan has many sea ports which makes the importation of raw materials or exportation of cars possible.
(vii) The government policy has led to rapid development of the industry.
(viii) Japan has highly developed hydro-electric power projects which provide power needed for the industries.
(ix) The presence of large population/ high purchasing power provides a large local market for the cars.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 22, 2017 at 08:32
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List the areas where the motor-vehicle assembling plants are located in Kenya.
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List the agricultural non-food manufacturing industries in Kenya.
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Give the reasons why geothermal power has not been fully exploited in Kenya.
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