What are the characteristics of the New people of God according to the New Testament?


What are the characteristics of the New people of God according to the New Testament?



i) God’s own people choosen by Him to worship Him 1 peter 2:9
ii) They are baptized born again
iii) The proclaim the wonderful deeds of Christ.
iv) They share in the resurrection of Christ
v) They are determined to inherit the Kingdom of God.
vi) They abandon the peace and prosperity of this world.
vii) They are set aside by their moral uprightness. They posses the values of love kindness, humility generosity and caring.
viii) They have a common destiny that is the Kingdom of God.
ix) They are guided by the Holy Spirit
x) They are under the umbrella of Jesus Christ Titus 2:14.
xi) They are a royal priest hood.
xii) They are a holy nation.
xiii) They are a people called out of darkness.
Kavungya answered the question on March 11, 2019 at 10:22

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