-Is a major pest maize and sorghum.
-Young caterpillar feed on young shoots in the funnel and tender shoot and cause symptoms called dead hearts.
- The stage of the plant attacked is critical to production of dead hearts.
-Larval feeding on the leaves produces x-ristic windows on folding leaves.
-In the 3rd instar the caterpillar leave the funnel and eat in the lower part of the stalk where they feed and pupate.
-2nd generation occurs when the plant in nearing maturity where caterpillar eat on the cob of maize or upper part of sorghum.
-1st generation causes yield loss i.e reduction of size of the crop.
-2nd generation feeds on the cob and the grain formed.
- Greater yield loss is caused by the 1st generation and is more in maize than sorghum. Sorghum produces tillers to compensate.
-The adults are moth wing span of 35mm . Forewing are darkish brown while hind wings are reddish brown.
-Lays up to 400 eggs.
-1st generation lays eggs beneath the shealth, which hatch in 10 days
-2nd generation lays eggs on the fold leaves and developing cobs.
-Hatch as small caterpillars which are light to dark violet to pinkish white, with dark spots on the sides.
-Larval development takes 35-40 days with 5 – 6 instars.
-Pupa in the stalk takes 14 days and are brown in colour.
-Life cycle takes 70 days.
In the 2nd generation larval stages goes into diapose in the stalk during dry season. The diapose is broken on the onset of the rains and comes out in 14 days.
-Use of chemicals.
-Destruction of crop residues.
-Early planting in a large area at the same time.
-Elimination of grasses within the vicinity.
-Enforcement of closed season for at least 2 months.
jim items answered the question on March 11, 2019 at 15:53
- Discuss Sitotroga cerealella and its effects to grains during storage.(Solved)
Discuss Sitotroga cerealella and its effects to grains during storage.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss Sitophilus zeamais pests and their negative effects to farm produce.(Solved)
Discuss Sitophilus zeamais pests and their negative effects to farm produce.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
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Discuss how Bean-fly pests causes damage in Beans.
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Explain the methods used in control of Diamondback moth pests.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss Diamondback moth as one of the commonly found agricultural pests in farms.(Solved)
Discuss Diamondback moth as one of the commonly found agricultural pests in farms.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the diagram of a sheep shown below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
(i) What operation is usually carried out on the part labelled...(Solved)
Study the diagram of a sheep shown below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(i) What operation is usually carried out on the part labelled A?
(ii) Give two reasons for carrying out the operation in (i) above
(iii) At what age should the above operation be carried out?
(iv)Give the methods used for the operation
(v) Name routine management practice carried out on the part labelled B
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows an activity of processing a farm product. Study it and answer the
questions that follow:
(a) Name the product being processed
(b) Identify the...(Solved)
The diagram below shows an activity of processing a farm product. Study it and answer the
questions that follow:

(a) Name the product being processed
(b) Identify the method used in processing the product names in the diagram
(c) Outline the procedure used when harvesting the product named in the diagram
(d) List two factors that affect quality of the product processed in the diagram
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below is part of a farm structure. Study it and then answer the questions that follow:
(a) Name part of structure represented above
(b) Identify...(Solved)
The diagram below is part of a farm structure. Study it and then answer the questions that follow:

(a) Name part of structure represented above
(b) Identify parts labelled P, Q, R, and S
(c) Give the functions of the part labeled P and S
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- List four structural requirements for proper housing of farm animal to maintain good health(Solved)
List four structural requirements for proper housing of farm animal to maintain good health
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain five structural and functional differences between the petrol and diesel engines(Solved)
Explain five structural and functional differences between the petrol and diesel engines
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Below are illustrations showing the various parts of the Kenya top bar hive. Use the illustrationto answer the question that followii) How can a...(Solved)
Below are illustrations showing the various parts of the Kenya top bar hive. Use the illustration
to answer the question that follow

ii) How can a farmer attract bees to colonize a new hive?
iii) Outline the procedure of opening the hive to harvest honey
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- The illustration below shows a method of identifying pigs. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:-i) On the diagram A provided below, draw...(Solved)
The illustration below shows a method of identifying pigs. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:-

i) On the diagram A provided below, draw the mark to indicate a pig number 147,
using the procedure of ear-notching in diagram

ii) What is the recommended stage of growth in pigs at which the ear-notching should be
carried out?
iii) State any three reasons why weight is an important routine management practice in pig
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- State four factors which influence the selection of materials for constructing a dairy shed(Solved)
State four factors which influence the selection of materials for constructing a dairy shed.
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Below is a diagram of a fish pond, study it and answer the questions that follow
i) Label the parts marked K and L
ii) Give a...(Solved)
Below is a diagram of a fish pond, study it and answer the questions that follow

i) Label the parts marked K and L
ii) Give a reason why part M is usually deeper than the rest of the pond
iii) State three maintenance practices carried out in the pond
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the illustration of a farm structure below and answer the questions that follow (i) Name the parts labeled E F G H. (ii) State the...(Solved)
21 Study the illustration of a farm structure below and answer the questions that follow

i) Name the parts labeled E F G H.
ii) State the function of the parts labeled
iii) Name two chemicals preservatives used to treat the wooden parts of the structure against
insects and fungal damage
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- a) Define the term fence
b) List various types of fences
c) Describe advantages of fences(Solved)
a) Define the term fence
b) List various types of fences
c) Describe advantages of fences
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- List four uses of crushing in the farm(Solved)
List four uses of crushing in the farm
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- Give four ways of controlling fish predators in a fish pond(Solved)
Give four ways of controlling fish predators in a fish pond.
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Below is a diagram of a cross section of a farm structure. Study it carefully and answer the
following questions.
(i) Identify the labeled parts A, B,...(Solved)
Below is a diagram of a cross section of a farm structure. Study it carefully and answer the
following questions.

(i) Identify the labeled parts A, B, and C
(ii) What is the importance of the part labeled B to the structure
(b) (i) When making concrete blocks the ratio 1:3:5 may be used. What do these figures
(ii) In a concrete mixture 1:3:5, twenty four cubic metres of sand were recommended to be
used in putting up of a foundation of a building. Find the volume of the other two
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
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State four features of a good calf pen
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)