Discuss 9 cultural methods of pests control giving a good example of pest to control.


Discuss 9 cultural methods of pests control giving a good example of pest to control.



-Practiced traditionally
-Reduces pest incidences e.g. cowpeas can be intercropped with sorghum, reduction of colleen bugs in coconut is due to intercropping with cashnuts.
-Planting disease and pest resistant crops e.g most farmers used to plant composite varieties of maize because they were resistant to maize stalk borer.
-Fallowing can also be done to starve the pest since some insects will not get suitable hosts.
-Proper spacing to discourage attack of certain pests. Some insect pests increase when there’s close spacing.
d)Trap crops.
-Some pests have preference for certain crops which are not desired by the farmer.
-These crops can be used to attract the pests and they are sprayed with the insecticide. This act reduces the residues on the desired crop.
-Causes direct harm e.g. flat irrigation can affect soil inhabiting pests.
-Over head irrigation suppresses foliage pests like aphids.
-Irrigation reduces stress in plants makes them more resist to pest infestation.
f)Crop rotation.
-Effective against insects of restricted host range e.g Chafuer crabs , root flies and some beetles.
g)Field hygiene/good sanitation.
-Keep the field clean by removing weeds which harbour pests. Remove the plant debris of the previous season.
h)Closed season.
-Defines a certain period when the crop in a certain area are not supposed to be in the field to avoid pest built up e,g Pink bollworm which is monophagus on cotton.
i)Special cultivation method.
-These are cultivations which will cause injury to pests in the soil. Some Lepidoptera larvae are exposed on the surface or some insect stages are buried deep in the soil.

jim items answered the question on March 11, 2019 at 16:06

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