(i) Elijah travelled to Mount Horeb, the source of Israel's covenant faith to renew his faith in God.
(ii) Elijah saw his prophetic mission as continuing that of Prophet Moses.
(iii) He spent forty days on the way to symbolize the forty years the Israelites spent in the wilderness during the Exodus.
(iv) God's question to Elijah (....What are you doing here....?) signified that he was supposed to be in Israel carrying out God's work.
(v) Elijah's responses to God's question signified human weakness and the fear he had in continuing with his prophetic tasks.
(vi) God did not speak through the storm, earthquake and lighting to signify that He can manifest His presence in any other form.
(vii) God appeared and spoke to Elijah in the form of a gentle breeze "a still, small voice" which signified that God is a spirit and that He converses intimately with His prophets.
God gave Elijah three commissions to fulfil, namely:
(a) Elijah was to anoint Hazael as the new king of Syria (Aram) to signify that God is the king of all nation and not only for Israel.
(b) He was to anoint Jehu as king of Israel to replace Ahab which signified that God punishes the kings of Israel who fail to rule His people in the Covenant Way of Life.
(c) Elijah was to anoint Elisha as the next prophet of Israel to succeed him to signify that God has His own way of choosing people through whom He fulfils His plan on earth.
(vii) Elijah learnt that a prophet must be obedient and serve God in the strength given by God and not his own.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 22, 2017 at 09:13
- Why did Elijah face danger and hostility as a prophet of God?(Solved)
Give reasons why Elijah faced danger and hostility as a prophet of God.
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Give ways in which the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness.
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Describe how the prophetic messages were written.
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Describe the importance/role of prophets in Israel.
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