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What lessons do Christians learn from the prophetic mission of Elijah?


Give the lessons that Christians learn from the prophetic mission of Elijah.



(i) Christian leaders should realize that all authority comes from God and they are accountable to Him for their deeds.

(ii) Christians should seek God's guidance and protection through prayer.

(iii) Christians should be prepared to suffer at the hands of the powerful in their pursuit for justice in society. However, they should not give up.

(iv) Christians should call sinners to repentance and bring them back to God.

(v) Leaders should not misuse their offices.

(vi) Christians should develop life skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking and decision-making in order to help them make appropriate and informed decisions on individual and community issues.

(vii) Christians are called to a life of faith in God and must serve Him with dedication.

(viii) Christians must uphold the worship of God and be prepared to fight against any forms of idolatry such as personality cults, materialism and devil worship.

(ix) God relates intimately with Christians and so they should rely on Him for their needs.

(x) Christians should be courageous and condemn all forms of social and economic evils in society such as tribalism, bribery and corruption and land grabbing.

(xi) Christians should not despair in the face of the challenges they may meet in their work of evangelism for God promises to help them overcome the hurdles of life.

(xii) Christians should identify themselves with the marginalized in society and champion for their rights by speaking against any form of oppression by the powerful.

(xiii) Christians should not bear false witness against their neighbours like Jezebel did to Naboth.

maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 22, 2017 at 09:36

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