Mature segments full of eggs are dropped with human faces.
Eggs are then released from the segments
Pigs ingest the eggs during grazing
In the intestines, The eggs hatch into embryos.
The embryos penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the blood streams
The embryos first localise in the liver.
from the liver, the embryos are distributed into the muscles in the body
In the muscles they become cysts
human beings get infected when they eat raw or under cooked pork with cysts
In the human small intestines the cysts are dissolved the bladder worms emerge and attach on the intestinal wall
they then develop into adult worms and start laying eggs
marlinbito answered the question on March 12, 2019 at 05:57
- What causes scouring in calves?(Solved)
What causes scouring in calves?
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name poultry diseases that are controlled through vaccination(Solved)
Name poultry diseases that are controlled through vaccination
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- How does cover crops help to conserve water in the soil?(Solved)
How does cover crops help to conserve water in the soil?
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- State how microorganisms are beneficial to crops (Solved)
State how microorganisms are beneficial to crops.
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Outline various ways that are used during execution of agricultural tenancies.(Solved)
Outline various ways that are used during execution of agricultural tenancies.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Briefly explain What is agricultural share-farming?
Briefly explain What is agricultural share-farming?
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss agricultural tenancy under the following subheadings:
c)What its involves.(Solved)
Discuss agricultural tenancy under the following subheadings:
c)What its involves.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Outline THREE Policy guidelines on development, preservation, and utilization of agricultural land.(Solved)
Outline THREE Policy guidelines on development, preservation, and utilization of agricultural land.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss 9 cultural methods of pests control giving a good example of pest to control.(Solved)
Discuss 9 cultural methods of pests control giving a good example of pest to control.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss physical methods of pest control in agricultural farms.(Solved)
Discuss physical methods of pest control in agricultural farms.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Buseola fusca is a major pest of maize and sorghum .Discuss its biology, damage and management in regard to these cereal crops.(Solved)
Buseola fusca is a major pest of maize and sorghum .Discuss its biology, damage and management in regard to these cereal crops.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss Sitotroga cerealella and its effects to grains during storage.(Solved)
Discuss Sitotroga cerealella and its effects to grains during storage.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss Sitophilus zeamais pests and their negative effects to farm produce.(Solved)
Discuss Sitophilus zeamais pests and their negative effects to farm produce.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss how Bean-fly pests causes damage in Beans.(Solved)
Discuss how Bean-fly pests causes damage in Beans.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the methods used in control of Diamondback moth pests.(Solved)
Explain the methods used in control of Diamondback moth pests.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss Diamondback moth as one of the commonly found agricultural pests in farms.(Solved)
Discuss Diamondback moth as one of the commonly found agricultural pests in farms.
Date posted: March 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the diagram of a sheep shown below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
(i) What operation is usually carried out on the part labelled...(Solved)
Study the diagram of a sheep shown below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(i) What operation is usually carried out on the part labelled A?
(ii) Give two reasons for carrying out the operation in (i) above
(iii) At what age should the above operation be carried out?
(iv)Give the methods used for the operation
(v) Name routine management practice carried out on the part labelled B
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows an activity of processing a farm product. Study it and answer the
questions that follow:
(a) Name the product being processed
(b) Identify the...(Solved)
The diagram below shows an activity of processing a farm product. Study it and answer the
questions that follow:

(a) Name the product being processed
(b) Identify the method used in processing the product names in the diagram
(c) Outline the procedure used when harvesting the product named in the diagram
(d) List two factors that affect quality of the product processed in the diagram
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below is part of a farm structure. Study it and then answer the questions that follow:
(a) Name part of structure represented above
(b) Identify...(Solved)
The diagram below is part of a farm structure. Study it and then answer the questions that follow:

(a) Name part of structure represented above
(b) Identify parts labelled P, Q, R, and S
(c) Give the functions of the part labeled P and S
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- List four structural requirements for proper housing of farm animal to maintain good health(Solved)
List four structural requirements for proper housing of farm animal to maintain good health
Date posted: March 8, 2019. Answers (1)