Explain the life cycle of pork tapeworm


Explain the life cycle of pork tapeworm.



Mature segments full of eggs are dropped with human faces.

Eggs are then released from the segments

Pigs ingest the eggs during grazing

In the intestines, The eggs hatch into embryos.

The embryos penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the blood streams

The embryos first localise in the liver.

from the liver, the embryos are distributed into the muscles in the body

In the muscles they become cysts

human beings get infected when they eat raw or under cooked pork with cysts

In the human small intestines the cysts are dissolved the bladder worms emerge and attach on the intestinal wall

they then develop into adult worms and start laying eggs

marlinbito answered the question on March 12, 2019 at 05:57

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