(i) Jeremiah stood at the gate of the temple court where he delivered the sermon where he addressed all the worshippers going to the Temple.
(ii) He accused the people of Judah for breaking God's Covenant by:
(a) Practicing idolatry and social injustice.
(b) Exploiting and oppressing the orphans, widows, the poor and the strangers in the land.
(c) Stealing, telling lies and committing adultery.
(iii) He condemned the worshippers for misusing the Temple by turning it into a "den of robbers".
(iv) He warned that God would destroy the Temple the way He had destroyed the shrine at Shiloh if the people persisted in breaking the social and ritual demands of the Covenant.
(v) The Temple would remain a holy place and house of God only if the worshippers remained morally good and observed the Covenant Law.
(vi) He warned the people against their hypocritical religion where they stressed external observances like offering sacrifices at the expense of the inner piety.
(vii) God was going to use a foreign power to attack and destroy Judah as punishment for their wickedness.
(viii) All the people of Judah would be taken into exile and none would escape.
(ix) Jeremiah was warned by God not to intercede for the people for God's patience had run out.
False belief about the temple -the people trusted that the temple was secure from any harm, but God warned that it would be destroyed.
Hypocrisy - Jeremiah condemned the hypocrisy of the temple worshippers for the sins they committed.
Defilement of the temple, they had placed idols in the temple and violated the sacredness of it.
Idolatry - they both worshipped Yahweh and other gods. They also offered sacrifices to the idols.
Human sacrifices - they sacrificed their children to Baal, therefore disregarded the gift of life.
Soul injustice, such as murder, exploitation of the poor, orphans, widows and foreigners.
Dishonesty - Jeremiah rebuked the people in the temple for they misled others with their lies.
He condemned oppression of the foreigners/widows/orphans which against the covenant way of life.
He condemned the stubbornness/rebellion of the Israelites against God's warnings.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 22, 2017 at 11:25
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