1. Bacteriology- Study of bacteria – small single celled prokaryotic organisms
2. Mycology – Study of fungi – A group of eukaryotes that includes both microscopic eukaryotes (Molds and yeasts) and larger organisms (mushrooms & puffballs)
3. Protozoology – Study of protozoa – animal like and mostly single celled eukaryotes
4. Virology – study of viruses – Minute, non-cellular particles that parasitize cells
5. Phycology or algology – Study of algae – simple photosynthetic eukaryotes ranging from single celled forms to large sea weeds
6. Microbial morphology – the detailed structure of micro-organisms
7. Microbial physiology – microbial function or metabolism at the cellular and molecular levels
8. Microbial taxonomy – classification, naming and identification of microorganisms.
9. Microbial genetics / molecular biology – The function of genetic material and biochemical reactions of cells involved in metabolism and growth.
10. Microbial Ecology – Interrelationships between microbes and the environment. The roles of micro-organisms in the nutrient cycles of soil, water and other natural ecosystems.
Kavungya answered the question on March 12, 2019 at 12:53