Explain the types of spores.


Explain the types of spores.



1. Asexual spores – originate from mitotic activities and are of two types
(a) Sporagiospores – are formed within a sac like structure called a sporangium which is attached to stalk, the sporagiospores. The spores are initially enclosed but are released when the sporangium ruptures.
(b) Conidia (conidiospores) – Are free spores not enclosed by a spore bearing sac. They develop by segmentation of a pre-existing vegetable hypha.
- They are the most common asexual spores and occur in various forms
(c) Arthrospore/oidia – A rectangular spore formed when septate hyphae fragments at the cross walls.
(d) Chlamydospore – A spherical conidium formed by the thickening of a hyphal cell.
- It is released when the surrounding hypha fractures and it serves as a survival resting cell.
(e) Blastospore – A spore produced by budding from a parent cell either in yeasts or another conidium also called a bud.
(f) Microconidium and Macrocoridium
Smaller and larger conidia formed by the same fungus under varying conditions. Microconidia are one cell and macroconidia are two or more cells.

2. Sexual spores
- Sexual spores are for classifying the major fungal divisions
- They help in the adaptation and survival of their species due to genetic variation.
Kavungya answered the question on March 12, 2019 at 13:46

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