1.Speculative Philosophy: This is a way of thinking systematically about everything that exists. It tries to understand how all discovered things form meaningful totality. It is the search for order in all that exists and all that is experienced.
2.Prescriptive Philosophy: This establishes standards for assessing values, judging conducts; appraising art etc. it examines what we mean by good or bad, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly. Perspective philosophy also asks whether these descriptions are in things themselves or are they projections of our mind. Prescriptive philosophy seeks to recommend principles for describing what actions and qualities are worthwhile and why they should be so.
3.Analytic Philosophy: Focuses on words and meaning. Shows how inconsistencies may arise when meanings appropriate in certain contexts are imported into others. Analytic philosopher is always skeptical and cautious to build a system of thought.
sharon kalunda answered the question on March 12, 2019 at 14:03