1.Idealist Epistemology:
The main proponents are Hegel, Emmanuel Kant, Plato, and Socrates. These proponents argue that knowledge acquired through senses must always remain uncertain and incomplete since the material world is only a distorted copy of a more perfect sphere of being (world). For them, true knowledge is product of reason. Hegel believes that knowledge is true as long as it forms a system.
Immanuel Kant asserts that the essence of knowing is what has been gathered by the senses. According to him the learner should relate knowledge from experience.
2.Realist Epistemology:
This school of thought believes that true knowledge corresponds to the world as it is. Schools should impact a selection of knowledge on the person. It should decide what content to teach and transmit it to the learners. To realists, what matters is the true goal of education.
3.Pragmatic Epistemology:
This school of thought believes that the mind should be active and exploratory. The main proponents are John Dewey and William Pierce. The two believe that knowledge is acquired through interaction with the environment. To them, an idea can only be true if it is proved to work if not then it should not be taught. Teachers should therefore relate learning to the environment of the child.
sharon kalunda answered the question on March 12, 2019 at 14:14