Jesus’ teachings on how human beings should relate to one another from the Sermon on the plain (Lk 6:27-38)


Jesus’ teachings on how human beings should relate to one another from the Sermon on the plain (Lk 6:27-38)



1. Human beings should love enemies

2. They should do good to those who hate them.

3. They should bless those who curse them

4. They should pray for those who mistreat them

5. They should help those in need

6. They should lend without expecting anything in return.

7. They should show mercy to others

8. They should not judge/condemn others

9. Human being should forgive one another/not revenge.

10. They should be generous

11. They should do unto others what they expect done to them.
lemass answered the question on March 12, 2019 at 18:46

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