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Describe the first Biblical account of creation in Genesis 1-2:4.


Describe the first Biblical account of creation in Genesis 1-2:4.



(i) Before creation the earth was formless and empty.

(ii) God created everything through a divine command "....Let there be..."

(iii) The work of creation took place in six days.

(iv) On the first day,God created light (day) and separated it from darkness (night)

(v) One the second day, He created the heavens and the sky.

(vi) On the third day, the earth, seas and oceans and all types of plants were created.

(vii) On the fourth day, the heavenly bodies (sun, moon and stars) were created to give light and determine time, seasons and years.

(viii) On the fifth day, was the creation of water creatures and all kinds of birds.

(ix) On the sixth day, God created both wild and domestic animals. Human beings were created on the same day in the image and likeness of God.

(x) Human beings were given special privileges and responsibilities over other creatures.

(xi) God commanded human beings to procreate and multiply.

(xii) Everything that God created was good and pleasing to Him.

(xiii) On the seventh day, God rested and blessed it and made it holy.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 22, 2017 at 14:05

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