1. Sterilization
A process that destroys all viable microorganisms, including virus
2. Microbicidal agents
Antimicrobial substances/agents that destroy a certain group of microorganisms
i. Bactericide
A chemical that destroys bacteria except those in the Endospore stage
ii. Fungicide
A chemical that kills fungal spores, hyphae and yeast
iii. Virucide
Any chemicals that inactivates virus on living tissues
iv. Sporicide
Any agent capable of destroying bacteria Endospore (destroys the most resistant of all microbes)
3. Microbistatic agents
Antimicrobial substances that temporarily prevent multiplication of microorganism not killing.
i. Bacteristatic - inhibit growth of bacteria on tissues or objects
ii. Fungistatic – chemicals that inhibit fungal growth
NB: material used to control microorganisms in the body (drug and antiseptics) have Microbistatic effects because many microbicidal compound are highly toxic to human cells.
4. Disinfection – use of a physical process or chemical agent to destroy vegetative pathogens but not bacteria Endospore. Usually applied on inanimate objects e.g. boiling water
5. Antiseptics /antisepsis – chemicals agents applied directly to exposed body surface (skin) wounds to destroy or inhibit vegetative pathogens e.g. iodine, use of antibacterial soap.
Kavungya answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 06:04
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Explain the methods of staining bacteria.
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