- They are capable of wiping human race from the face of the earth. For example Israeli is believed to possesses 300 nuclear weapons and also possesses several hundreds of neutrons which kill humans and animals but also do not damage non-living things. No human being has a right to take away the life of others.
- They cause serious health problems i.e. inhalation of gases and smokes from heavy machines affects the well-being of the children and war survivors. Children also suffer anxiety because of awareness of the nuclear threat and this pose a problem to secondary social institutions like religion.
- Nuclear accidents are a potential danger to humanity and this may render religion without followers.
- Use of (cyanide and mustard gases) as was used by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds
- The biological weapons are likely to trigger research on the use of anthrax which is unethical.
Religion argues that;-
- Warfare is recommended for the correction of injustices in the society.
- Since man is by nature aggressive, his aggression against other transgresses the will of God and therefore he has to be trained by threats or actual warfare.
- Since there are no moral standards to unite the universe warfare is necessary to enforce moral standards in the society which is one of the roles of religion.
- It is also in human to kill fellow human beings but if it is for the sake of protecting the innocent majority then it is justified- hence utilitarianism.
- The world community must renounce the resort to violence and force as a method of solving international disputes
- Peaceful adjudication of differences by international courts and by art of negotiation is the way forward to international stability.
- War is obsolete so is the use of nuclear weapons against humanity.
- Religion in fact, denounces the use of violence and war. For example, in 1982 Anglican church in England stated in their publication of that year that Britain was to get rid of nuclear weapons they had and that was only the best way rid the world of any kind of war ( Church and the Bomb 1982 and 1983)
- The catholic church (second Vatican council 1962-1965) said “ the world is a volcano which can erupt any time and called upon the world to ban all conventional weapons, that any act of war is a crime against God.
Wilfykil answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 08:53
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