(a) Religious Beliefs
Zoroastrian and Buddha do not advocate for the theory of a just war as they believe in non violence. They possess a different view on how to fight a just war. In this connection, their modern warfare is that of non violence and peaceful demonstration as the only means of solving international conflicts.
(b) Pacifism
The role of religion in reducing warfare and promotion of peace and tranquility has also been seen in the efforts of pacifist- Europe.
Religious pacifists are of the view that warfare is evil and they are strongly opposed to war and violence and that it is wrong to kill or harm other people. “Thou shall not kill”- Exodus-
c ) Sanctity of life
Religion recognizes the sanctity of life and many religious doctrines guarantees doctrines this sanctity; That God who creates and only God can take ones life by a way of punishment. In this respect, religion denounces all acts of warfare with rare exceptions where they are also actively engaged in campaigning and demonstrating against injustices and work to change the society by removing causes of war such as frustration, aggression, exploitation and oppression among other injustices. Buddhists through their leader Mahatma Gandhi, succeeded to free India from British oppression without resorting to arms. It is through such pacifist efforts and the fear of use of weapons of mass destruction that has seen the world embrace the culture of cold warfare.
The defect of the theory of pacifism is that “it does not recognize warfare aimed at eliminating the autocratic regimes like those of Egypt, Libya, Uganda and Zimbabwe? The existence and the use of nuclear arms go beyond conditions of warfare envisaged by Augustine. This is because modern weapons are capable of destroying the whole of human civilization.
Wilfykil answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 09:02
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