? Observation-When using the observation method the job analyst watches the worker perform job tasks and records his or her observation. This method is used primarily to gather information on jobs emphasizing manual skills such as those of machine operators. Analyzing managerial jobs using this method may prove difficult. It can also help the analyst identify inter-relationships between physical and mental tasks.
? Questionnaires - They are typically quick and economical to use, the job analyst may administer a structured questionnaire to employees to identify the tasks they perform. In most cases, employers may lack verbal skills, a condition that make this method less useful. Also, some employees may tend to exaggerate the significance of their takes suggesting more responsibility than actually exists. Follow-ups may become difficult if something is not clear since questionnaires are mostly anonymous.
? Interviews - An understanding of the job may also be gained through interviewing, both the criteria
should take into account such factors as quality and quantity of output accident frequency, regularity or otherwise in attendance grades obtained during training, speed of promotion in an organization, professional achievements, formal ratings determined by the supervisor etc
? Employee recording - Job analysis information is gathered by having employees describe their daily work activities in a diary or log. This requires job holders to record their daily activities. It is time consuming and expensive too because it may extend over long periods of time. The job analyst goes through the diary log and analyses that particular job. With this method, the problem of employee exaggerating job importance may have to be overcome because information contained in the diary/log shows what the employees have actually done.
? Technical conference method - This method uses supervisors with extensive knowledge of the job. Specific job characteristics are obtained from experts. Although it is a good data gathering method it often overlooks incumbent perceptions about what they do on their job.
mrmmumo answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 09:28