1. Collection of background information - This information can be obtained by reviewing available background information such as organization charts which show how the job in question relates to other jobs and where they fit into the overall organization. The existing job descriptions can also provide a starting point from which to build the revised job description
2. Selection of representative position to be analyzed - Since the analysis of all jobs could be time consuming, flow representative positions should be analyzed.
3. Collection of job analysis data - Job data on the features of the job and the required employee qualifications and
requirement should be collected either from the employees who actually perform the job or from those who watch the workers do the job e.g. supervisors thereby acquiring knowledge about it.
4. Preparation of job description - The information collected is to be developed in the form of a job description. This is a written statement that describes the main features of the job as well as the qualifications which the jobs incumbents must possess.
5. Developing job specifications - This entails specifically mentioning what personal qualities, traits, skills and background that is necessary to get the job done
mrmmumo answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 09:54