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What are the Applications of Genetic Engineering?


What are the Applications of Genetic Engineering?



1. Production of Human Insulin: The patients suffering from diabetes are not capable of producing enough insulin. So, there arises a need for such people to obtain insulin from external sources. With the help of genetic engineering, human genes could be transferred into other mammals for the production of insulin. The mammals like sheep and goat are used as a medium with human genes acting as the 'software' or the 'brain' containing the necessary genetic information to produce insulin.

2. Use in Gene Therapy: The GMOs like some viruses are used in gene therapy. Gene therapy can be used in the treatment of various genetic disorders and diseases like sickle cell anemia, muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis.

3. Creation of Neo-organs: The unavailability of organs for transplants is a big problem in the US. The creation of neo-organs in order to increase the supply of desired organs is possible with the help of genetic engineering. The regeneration of new tissues is carried out by the injection of a growth factor by means of a tissue injector. There is another procedure of creating new organs, in which a scaffold made from biodegradable polymers is used to place the plant cells in it. The scaffold is placed in a position where the new growth is expected. Eventually the scaffold breaks down or dissolves and a completely new organ is formed.

4. Usage in Agriculture: The genetically modified plants have many applications in the field of agriculture. Genetic modification or engineering is used for increasing the production of crops, pest control, weed management, etc. The genetically modified foods are also produced to make them more nutritive. For example, the incorporation of digestible iron in the genetically modified crops influences the health in a positive way.
Wilfykil answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 10:38

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