1. Outsourcing
Any activity in which a firm lacks expertise and requires an unbiased opinion can be outsourced. Many businesses have started looking at outsourcing activities relating to recruitment training, payroll, processing, surveys, benchmark studies, statutory compliance among others more closely because they do not have the time or expertise to deal with the situation. HR heads are no longer keeping activities like resume management and candidates sourcing their daily scrutiny. This function is more commonly outsourced when firms are in seasonal business and have cyclical stuffing needs.
2. Overtime
Short term fluctuations in work volume could best be solved through overtime. The employer benefits because the costs of recruitment selection and training could be avoided and the employee in the form of higher pay. However, an overworked employee may prove to be less productive and turn out less than optimal performance. Employees may slow down their pace of work during normal workings hours in order to earn overtime daily. In course of time, overtime payments become quite a routine and if any reason these payments do not accrue regularly employees become resentful and disgruntled.
3. Multi-skilling (job enlargement)
4. Contingent workers (temporary and part time)
Employees hired for a limited time to perform a specific job are called temporary employees. They are particularly useful in meeting short term human resource needs. A short term increase in demand could be met by hiring temporary hands from agencies specializing in providing such services. It’s a big business idea in United States these days. In this case the firm can avoid the expenses of recruitment and the painful effects of absenteeism labour and turnover. It can also avoid fringe benefits associated with regular employment. However, temporary workers do not remain loyal to the company. They may take more time to adjust and their inexperience may come in the way of maintaining high quality.
5. Employee leasing
Hiring permanent employees of another company who possess certain specialized skills on lease basis to meet short term requirements is another recruiting practice followed by firms in developed countries. In this case, individuals work for the leasing firm under the leasing agreements / arrangement. Such an arrangement is beneficial to small firms because it avoids expense and problems of personnel administrations.
6. Subcontracting.
To meet a sudden increase in demand for its products and services, the firm may sometimes go for subcontracting – instead of expanding capacities immediately. Expansion becomes a reality only when the firm experiences increased demand for its product for a specified period of time. Meanwhile the firm can meet increased demand by allowing an outside specialist’s agency to undertake part of the work, to mutual advantage.
mrmmumo answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 10:50
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