1. Patterned or Structured Interview
This is based on the assumption that to be most effective every pertinent detail bearing on what is to be accomplished what
kind of information is to be sought, how much time is to be allotted to it must be worked out in advance. Questions are asked in a particular order with very little deviation.
2. Non-directive or Free Interview
This type is unstructured and is relatively non-planned as to format. In such an interview, the applicant is asked some very general questions and he may reply to these in any way he likes for a considerable length of time. The interview is not directed by questions or comments as to what the candidates should be asked.
3. Depth or Action Interview
It is semi-structured in nature and utilizes questions in key areas which have been studied in advance by the interviewer. The typical subject discussed at such interviews include a candidates home life, education, previous experience, hobbies, recreational interests etc. The interviewer provides instructional information about his organization, the nature of work, pay, opportunities for advancement, job demands etc. The idea of such an interview is to get a true picture of the interviewer by intensively examining his background and thinking so that a correct evaluation and decision may be made.
4. Group Discussion Interview
In this type of interview, groups rather than individuals are interviewed. The interviewees are given certain problems and are asked to reach a specific decision within a particular time limit. The applicants enter into group discussions knowing that the interviewee is a test but do not know which qualities are being measured or tested. A few observers watch the activities of the interviewees i.e. those who take a lead in the discussions, those who try influencing others, those who summarize and clarify issues, those who speak effectively etc.
5. Panel or Board Interview
In this type of interview, a candidate is interviewed by a number of interviewers. Questions may be asked in turn or asked in random order as they arise on any topic.
6. Stress Interview
In the stress interview, the interviewer assumes a hostile role towards the applicant. He deliberately puts him/her on the defensive by trying to annoy, embarrass or frustrate him. Usually the interviewer in such circumstances asks questions rapidly, criticizes the interviewees answers interrupts him frequently, keeps the candidate waiting indefinitely and then subjects him to interrogation, questioning whatever he might state or too many questions are asked at a time by many interviewers etc. The purpose is to find out how a candidate behaves in a stress situation, whether he bases his temper, gets confused
mrmmumo answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 11:04
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