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Discuss Female Sterilization as a method of family planning and give its pros and cons


Discuss Female Sterilization as a method of family planning and give its pros and cons



Female sterilization provides permanent contraception for women who do not want more children. It is a safe and simple surgical procedure and can usually be done with local anesthesia and light sedation. A small incision is made by the doctor in the woman’s abdomen and the two Fallopian tubes are blocked off or cut. These tubes carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. With the tubes blocked, the woman’s egg cannot meet the man’s sperm. The effectiveness of this method depends partially on how the tubes are blocked. Postpartum tubal litigation (immediately after the childbirth) is one of the most effective female sterilization techniques. In the first year after the procedure only, 0.05 pregnancies per 100 women (in 2000) has been recorded.

- It is very effective.
- It is permanent. A single procedure leads to lifelong, safe and very effective family planning.
- Nothing to remember, no supplies needed and no repeated clinic visits required.
- No interference with sex. Does not affect a woman’s ability to have sex.
- No known long-term side effects or health risks.

- It is usually painful for several days after the operation. Certain uncommon complications of the surgery can occur:
- Infection or bleeding at the incision
- Internal infection or bleeding
- Injury to internal organs
- Anesthetic risk: With local anesthesia alone or with sedation, rare risks of allergic reaction or overdose. With general anesthesia, occasional delayed recovery and side effects. Complications are more severe than with local anesthesia. There is also a risk of overdose.
- Reversal surgery is difficult.
- Expensive and not available in most areas.
Wilfykil answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 11:37

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