Bertolt Bretch,The caucasian Chalk Circle


Bertolt Bretch,The Caucasian Chalk Circle
"Being a mother is only a first step:the real moral challenge is to be motherly."Write an essay in response to this statement,referring to the roles of Natella Abashwili and Grusha in the Caucasian Chalk Circle.(2014 pp3 No.2)



There are some people who go beyond the call of duty and undertake risky missions in a very selfless manner.One such person is Grusha Vashnadze. She throws all the cares to the wind in a dare-devil mission of standing Michael.

When the servants gather around the child Michael,one of the servants tells Grusha to put the child down and would not even like to imagine what would happen to anybody found with him.The cook agrees that they leave the baby in Grusha's hands.The older woman doubts's intelligence despite her good Nature." i tell you if he had plague,he couldn't be more generous."Grusha reminds her Michael has no plague since she looks at her her and is human.

She is afraid of the brutal ironshirts baying for her blood because she fled with the governors child.The danger is too great and the city is full of flame and crying.The singer says that fearful is the seductive power of goodness as Grusha settles down to watch over the child through the night.When the peasant woman says she has nothing to do with Michael, Grusha tells the corporal,He's mine! She dashes at him to throw him away.She picks a log of wood and hits corporal over the head from behind.The corporal collapses and picks the child and rushes off and after twenty-two days of journeying she decides to adopt the child at foot of Janga-Tau Glacier.

When Grusha is told by the old man that the little pitcher of milk will cost her three piasters,she decides to do the impossible by giving Michael her breast yet she does not have any milk.She pays two piasters for the little amount of milk,an amount that is equivalent to a week's pay and tells the old man her mind."It's a murderous business you have here-and sinful,tool."

Despite being faithful to her love,Simon Shashava,she ends up a marrying a dying man Jussup so that she get a father to baby Michael because of pressure from Lavrenti's wife Aniko.

With the Ironshirts in hot pursuit of following baby Michael,to have him eliminated,she makes the bold move to cross the rotten bridge whose half hangs down the abbys. She tells the first man,... " but I have to cross to the east side . "The merchant woman says even if the devil himself were after her,she wouldn't attempt such as suicidal venture.When she further requests that Grusha leaves Michael with her cross the bridge alone, she says,' we belong together ,live together and die together,'Grusha crosses the bridge whose precipice is two thousand feet deep.

She has the audacity of telling judge Adzak her mind, "you play fast.......their lawyers," she even calls him a 'drunken onion'evidently spoiling her her chance of winning the case.On being told that the true mother is the one who will pull Michael out of of the circle,she twice lets go and the judgement is in her favor.

It goes without saying that Grusha deserved the right to keep Michael given her selfless sacrifice.
marto answered the question on June 23, 2017 at 06:42

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