1. Non availability of trained personnel
It is difficult to find properly trained workers for various categories of jobs in an organization. This sometimes makes it necessary to select workers with little or no training for kind of work to be handled by them. In countries with inadequate facilities for technical training or vocational education, employers themselves are required to make arrangements to impart training to untrained workers
2. Suitability for organizational needs
Even where a worker is well trained for job to be assigned to him, he needs to be given some special training consistent with specialized job requirements of organization. The type of training imparted in vocational school is of a general nature hence needs to be supplemented with a special training peculiar to each job.
3. Proficiency on latest methods
Rapid scientific and technological developments have made it necessary to provide continuous training facilities in organization itself. This is because even when a worker has been trained in one set of work methods, he finds that where he has learnt at
considerable expense of time and effort has already become outdated due to invention of newer methods. In absence of proper training facilities in the latest method, workers of organization might face danger of getting out of touch with latest methods.
4. Job satisfaction
Training gives employee confidence in handling the job assigned to him. It enables him to achieve level of performance required by job to be handled by him. It instills self confidence and boosts morale of employee which makes him more productive and
committed to organizational goals.
5. Higher output of quality goods
Training helps employee to raise quantity and quality of his output through improvement in work methods and skills
6. Fewer accidents
Training helps in reducing number of accidents and breakdowns. A person who has learnt how to do a job even before he is put on it will handle machines more competently than untrained person.
7. Low spoilage rate
It reduces spoilage rate and wastage of material. This is because it makes a substantial raise in skills such that even in the midst of fast changing technology, workers do not go out of touch with modern machines
8. Reduction in number of complaints
A trained worker never complains about his work or their machines and tools given to him to perform it. Only untrained worker may do so.
9. Better use of resources
With trained workers, the organization can apply its physical, financial and HR in a better
and more economical way
10. Management by exception
Trained workers develop sharper reflexes and a greater capacity for diagnosis and analysis of day to day problems. They need not to rush to the supervisor every now and then for advice to solve routine problems. This considerably reduces the work load of supervisors who can practice management by exception and devote the time and energy to tackling larger and more important issues. An organization having trained workers will not have a
problem of shortage of personnel.
11. Healthy interpersonal relations
Raising complexity of organization has led to interpersonal and inter group problems due to loss of contact between management and employees. Proper human relations training of which many new techniques have been developed can help in overcoming such
mrmmumo answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 13:26
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