(i) Observing the sky
Thick grey clouds: rain.
Certain stars arranged in a particular manner: dry spell.
(ii) Phases of the moon
New moon: rain.
Full moon: It would rarely rain.
(iii) Appearance of the rainbow
Some communities believed that it would not rain if the rainbow appears in
the sky when it was about to ran
(iv) Condition of the environment
Very hot and humid: Coming of the rain.
(v) Blowing of wind
Strong winds blowing after a dry weather: Showed the coming of the rains
Wind blowing during the rainy season: Meant chasing away of the rain to
give way to a dry spell.
(vi) Behavior of birds: Happy and playful birds in the sky would signify coming of rains.
(vii) Trial of ants: Signified the coming of rains.
(viii) Croaking of frogs: Signified the coming of the rain.
(ix) Appearance of toads: Signified the coming of the rains.
(x) Behavior of cattle: Coming of the rains(showing happiness by jumping
up and down)
(xi) Shedding of leaves after a rainy season: This Signified a dry spell.
marto answered the question on March 18, 2019 at 07:33
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