Climate change is the occurrence of unexpected change of climatic condition
in a particular region. The main factors influencing climate change include:-
- Cutting down of trees leads to reduced amount of rainfall.
- It creates desert – like conditions in the areas previously occupied by
- It contributes to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
2. Afforestation and re-afforestation
- Planting of more trees will increase the amount of rainfall.
- Both afforestation and re-afforestation reduce soil erosion and
evaporation, hence protecting water catchment areas.
Heat and smoke from industries cause pollution and increase temperature in
the atmosphere.
4.Excess use of chemicals
Such as fertilizers causes atmospheric change due to the gasses they produce.
The growing of rice under irrigation contributes to warming of the
atmosphere. The rice in water release a gas known as methane, which
contributes to global warming. The same applies to the use of fertilizers.
Global warming is also caused by the use of petroleum to run
vehicles .Machines give off a gas known as carbon monoxide, which makes the air warmer.
5.Clearing of vegetation for agriculture
This exposes the soil to agents of soil erosion.
Building of dams
Human-made lakes which form behind the dam modify the climate.
6.Ocean currents
These leads to temperature change along the coastal areas
marto answered the question on March 18, 2019 at 07:49
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