(i) Mythical theory
(ii) Theory of creation
(iii) Theory of evolution
Mythical theory
It is based on folktales told by various communities on how they originated.
Luo - Claim to be descendants of their ancestor Ramogiwho lived on
Ramogi hill.
Kalenjin - Claim to be descendants of the first Orkoiyot ( medicine man)
called Miot.
Wagiriama - Claim their ancestors lived at a place called Muyeye in
Malindi.They dispersed from Muyeye and formed the nine (9) sub tribes as
they migrated.
Agikuyu - Claim to have descended from Gikuyuand Mumbi Who lived at
Baganda - Claim to be descendants of Kintu who lived on Mt Elgon.
The theory of creation
It is based on Religious beliefs.
It explains that all human beings and other creatures were created by a super
natural creator, God among the Christians and Allah among the Muslims
The evolution theory
This is a scientific view which explains that human beings developed slowly
( evolved ) from primitive ape – like creature to what they are today. This
view was first suggested by a scientist called Charles Darwin.
Archaeology - Is the study of human evolution.
To understand the evolution of man archaeologists study
(i) tods
(ii) Plants and animal remains (Fossils) of early creatures.
Study of human evolution
The earliest known human-like creature was called Australopithecus.
- The period between the time of Homo habillis and the time of Homo
Sapiens is referred to as the stone age because the creatures mainly used stone
- These creatures practiced the following activities:-
(i) Hunting and fishing.
(ii) Gathering roots and wild berries for food.
(iii) Painting and making ornaments.
marto answered the question on March 18, 2019 at 10:44
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