(i) The elders settle disputes and lead in cultural and religious affairs of the family.
(ii) Several extended families or related members form the clan.
(iii) The clan is named after a great and respected ancestor.
(iv) Clans are governed by council of elders and are bound by rules, regulations, customs and taboos.
(v) Clan members come together and co-operate in times of needs.
(vi) Several clans sharing the common ancestry and living within a given geographical locality form an ethnic community.
(vii) The ethnic community is headed by a ruler or a king.
(viii) The family is the basic human society that comprises the father, wife(wives) and children.
(ix) The father is the head of the family and the custodian of the customs.
(x) Several families from a common ancestor form the extended family.
(xi) Members of extended family are related to one another by blood and marriage.
(xii) They settle near each other and are governed by senior elders of the families.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 24, 2017 at 05:52
- Why are myths important in traditional African communities? (Solved)
Describe why myths are important in traditional African communities.
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Explain the reasons why oaths are administered in traditional African communities.
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Give reasons why Christians may be opposed to oath taking.
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List the occasions when oaths are administered in traditional African communities.
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State ways in which Christians can avoid God's punishment.
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Explain ways in which God showed concern for Israel through Prophet Jeremiah.
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Explain why God punished Judah.
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Give reasons why a preacher may be disliked by the society today.
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Explain why Prophet Samuel was against kingship in Israel.
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Outline the duties of Prophet Samuel in Israel.
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State the ways in which the Church today disciplines errant members.
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Describe ways in which people discipline evil doers in traditional African communities.
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Give the causes of sin according to Genesis chapters 3 to 11.
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List ways in which Christians continue with God's work of creation today.
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Identify the attributes of God from the Biblical accounts of creation.
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Describe the first Biblical account of creation in Genesis 1-2:4.
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Give the reasons why Christians should work in unity.
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Show how unity is promoted in traditional African communities.
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Discuss the importance of African moral values.
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Give the differences between the practice of initiation into adulthood and the Christian baptism.
Date posted: June 22, 2017. Answers (1)