Was proposed by Sigmund Freud
- It is based on in-depth study of individual personality In psychoanalytic approach a person's verbalization and avert Behavior are interpreted as disguised representations of Underlined and conscious processes
- Freud tried to exploit the unconscious process through the free Association method
-This method requires that a person talks about everything that Comes to a person's conscious no matter how ridiculous or
Trivial it may seem by analyzing free association including recall Of dreams and early childhood memories. Freud try to sought
Out the basic determinants of personality.
- He had three levels of explaining personality;
There are three levels of personality
a)the curious personality
b)pre/sub personality
c)the unconscious personality the levels lie in a container from the conscious, pre-conscious, unconscious.
Being conscious means being aware of what is going on here
And now Our conscious /mind keeps on changing from time to time It constitutes only a portion of our total psychological life
Pre-conscious- this contains experiences that can be brought to Consciousness if we pay sufficient attention to them.
It is to act as a protective layer so that unpleasant or traumatic Experiences that has been stored in the unconscious level does Not pass through the conscious level
- The unconscious level- stores ideas, events and experiences
That have been replaced therefore not readily available to the Conscious level except through certain ways like slip of tongue,
Dreams and avert behavior.
Although the unconscious is not available to us, it is regarded As being responsible for most of our behaviors
Wilfykil answered the question on March 18, 2019 at 14:00
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