-Source of foreign exchange-Through export of horticultural produce.
-Employment opportunities for millions of Kenyans working directly in the horticultural industry and indirectly to the Kenyans working in companies providing farm inputs.
-Their nutritional value for human consumption- Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals needed for proper functioning of the human body.
-Contribute to food security- Supply better food.
-Play an important in the economic growth- contributes approximately 24% of Kenya ´s GDP.
-Improved infrastructure- Has led to the expansion and development of
transport infrastructure.
-Social dimension- Prestige of growing horticultural crops such as fruits, flowers in the farm or compound.
-Contribute to biodiversity conservation and maintenance- Diversified system of giving an aesthetic touch to life.
-Source of raw material to industries- For example those involved in manufacture of fruit juices or flavoring of dairy products.
-Maintain ecological balance- Planting of trees helps to maintain ecological balance and increase precipitation in areas in addition to maintaining soil fertility through control of soil erosion and additional of humus through leaf foliage.
jim items answered the question on March 18, 2019 at 17:46
- Outline 15 general challenges facing horticultural production in Kenya.(Solved)
Outline 15 general challenges facing horticultural production in Kenya.
Date posted: March 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss the basic statistics of Horticultural production between 2016 & 2017 in Kenya.(Solved)
Discuss the basic statistics of Horticultural production between 2016 & 2017 in Kenya.
Date posted: March 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss EIGHT reasons why Kenya is successful in the Horticultural sector.(Solved)
Discuss EIGHT reasons why Kenya is successful in the Horticultural sector.
Date posted: March 18, 2019. Answers (1)
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Discuss the main goals that should be met by an agricultural economist in the agricultural sector.
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Outline the advantages obtained from genetic modification of organisms in agriculture.
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Outline FIVE Ps in Agricultural marketing.
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Describe the rules on preservation, utilization and development of agricultural land in Kenya.
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State THREE policy guidelines on preservation and utilization of agricultural land.
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Discuss several ways in which smallholder agriculture can be transformed from subsistence farming to modern farming in the agricultural sector.
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Discuss FIVE agricultural production systems practiced in Kenya's agricultural sector.
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Discuss the general overview of Kenya's Agricultural sector.
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What should be done in the agricultural sector to improve youth employment in Kenya?
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- Generally describe the basic statistics on agriculture.(Solved)
Generally describe the basic statistics on agriculture.
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Outline TEN Agricultural research organizations governing agricultural sector in Kenya.
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What are the factors Influencing crop rotation programme?
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What is the importance of crop rotation?
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Explain the process of transplanting seedlings
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Mention the right conditions for tissue culture
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Explain tissue culture for production
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List the types of plant layering
Date posted: March 16, 2019. Answers (1)