The study of History of Education aims at helping teacher trainees to understand how education has evolved over the years. In order to understand the value of the course very well, it is important to start by defining the terms; history and education before we can attempt a definition of history of education.
-History can be defined as:the record of all past human experience. History shows how a group of people are, where it came from, and How it came to be what it is today. History deals with; social, economic, political, scientific and technological events that have shaped and given birth to humanity. History is an evaluation of what human beings have gone through in retrospect, what they have come to be today and what they propose to be in future. The study focuses on the challenges, problems, aspirations, successes, and failures of human beings.
-Education can be defined as the total process that aims at developing human ability and behavior. It is an organized and sustained instruction that aims at transmitting a combination of knowledge, skills and values that are necessary for life. Education can also mean a total process which is meant to help a person function as a full member of society.
History of education. This is the study of the past development of educational systems, educational theories and institutions within the general historical framework of; social, economic, political, technological, scientific and cultural change.
marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 07:51