Explain the challenges faced by the Prophet Jeremiah during his ministry.
(i) He was beaten.
(ii) People plotted to kill him.
(iii) He was insulted and referred to as a traitor.
(iv) He was barred from going to the Temple.
(v) He was imprisoned.
(vi) He suffered dislike, curse and isolation.
(vii) He was arrested.
(viii) He faced death threats from people.
(ix) Jeremiah's scroll was burnt by King jehoiachin.
(x) He was thrown into a cistern.
(xi) It was difficult for him to convince the people that his message was from Yahweh.
? He was rejected by his own family/relatives.
? People made false accusations against him.
? He was threatened with death because of speaking for God.
? He lived a lonely solitary life/was commanded to neither marry nor attend
any social gathering.
? His message was rejected by the Israelites.
? He went through spiritual struggle as he saw the evil prosper while the
righteous suffered.
? He was physically assaulted/ beaten.
? The enemies attempted to kill him/He was put in a muddy cistern.
? He was humiliated in public/mocked.
? He was imprisoned/ jailed.
? He was arrested and put on trial.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 24, 2017 at 13:22
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