In the course of their civilization, the people of ancient Egypt made some important intellectual achievements and contributions that influenced other human civilizations that followed.
i) They developed a system of writing known as hieroglyphic, a form of sacred carving. It was sacred because, it was performed by the priests. The system was based on three types of characters; the pictograph, the syllabic, and the alphabetic.
ii) They developed writing materials such as papyrus, stones and metals. The papyrus reed was grown in the Nile delta and its strips were flattened and tried before being rolled in scrolls for storage. These rolls were lighter to transport compared to other materials in use at the time such as clay tablets and therefore became the standard writing material not only in Egypt but they later spread to ancient Greece and Rome.
iii) The Egyptians were quite advanced in the field of science especially, astronomy, medicine and mathematics. Astronomy helped the Egyptians produce the best calendar in the ancient world that was later on refined by the Romans.
iv) In the area of medicine, ancient Egyptians were well aware that diseases were caused by natural and not supernatural factors. This helped them develop an elaborate system that enabled
marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 08:10