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Explain the aims of education in ancient China.


Explain the aims of education in ancient China.



The ancient Chinese education was heavily influenced by Confucianism. Education was generally conservative. The Chinese thought they had achieved a lot and it was the role of education to preserve the past. The future was heavily molded upon the past and their traditions which regulated their lives.

1) The teachings of Confucius centre on the idea of noble living and education therefore stressed the importance of human relationships, order, duty, and morality

2) Maintenance of the status quo. Education was interested in the past and was always suspicious of change. The Chinese believed that they had reached the summit of civilization and had a duty to preserve it.

3) The perpetuation of state and family that were taken to be very important. Education was against the pursuance of personal interests, but instead placed emphasis on obligations to the state and the formation of a submissive citizenry.

marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 08:22

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