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Explain four factors which led to the decline of the coastal settlements between 1500 and 1700 A.D.


Explain four factors which led to the decline of the coastal settlements between 1500 and 1700 A.D.



i) Rivalry for the control of the Indian Ocean trade weakened the coastal settlements.Each one of them wanted to dominate trade.

ii) Wars of conquest by the Portuguese against the coastal settlements destroyed and weakened many of them,

iii) Establishment of Portuguese rule at the coast led to disruption of the Indian Ocean trade – the main economic base of the towns
The Portuguese also diverted trade to Portugal leaving them with little revenue

iv) Invasion of the settlement by the Zambia a warrior community from me Zambezi valley – they caused widespread destruction

v) Occasional unfavourable climatic conditions which characterized the period led to inadequate rainfall and shortage of water in some coastal settlement for example Gedi which subsequently declined

vii) Conflicts/wars between Oman Arabs and the Portuguese over the control the coastal settlements affected economic activities in the area

viii) Some Africa middlemen diverted trade goods to Northern routes by passing the town that were under Portuguese control
lemass answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 09:27

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