As expected, the new system of education started in southern Europe. The Italians who initiated humanism believed they could learn from the ancient world of the Romans and the Greeks whose literature s at the time, more than any other were rich in beauty and meaning. Consequently, history, literature, philosophy and social anthropology became leading humanistic studies which emphasized man as a politically, ethically, and aesthetically free being. Humanism aimed at presenting, analyzing and criticizing human thought, feelings and conduct.
The Italian strand of humanism marked the foundation of modern education based on freedom of thought, self-expression, and creative activity. The aim of humanistic education was freedom founded on the expression of individual personality through art, literature, music, architecture and nature. It focused on the development of individual personality for the purpose of living a fine, rich and full life. Renaissance educational spirit in Italy emphasized the development of an all-rounded person who possessed a variety of interests. This approach enabled some of the outstanding scholars of the period do many things and study many subjects. The humanistic curriculum was therefore not just limited to literary and esthetic subjects but also focused on the morals, manners and health matters.
Italian humanism aimed at the development of the Greek ideal of a literal education, harmonious development of mind, body and morals. It also emphasized the development of the individual modeled on the old Athenian emphasis upon individual excellence and personal self-realization.
Court schools founded and maintained by the ruling princes and dukes of Italian city states who were also inclined towards a revival of learning became cent res of humanistic learning. These institutions came to dominate secondary school education in Western Europe that trained the middle and higher classes for a long time. The institutions mostly focused on literary and aesthetic education. They took on a practical approach to education where young nobles were prepared for active participation in the everyday affairs of life. Ancient literature s of Greece and Rome were studied in order to learn about Greek and Roman life as well as for beauty and inspiration for a new created life. Aesthetic education was broad covering; art, architecture, music and drama. Physical education involved swimming, fencing, boxing, riding, dancing, diet and hygiene The mode of teaching in the Italian humanistic schools was as much as possible adapted to the learners' particular needs and capacities. Punishment was no longer the motive for learning. Discipline was mild since motivation for higher positions of honour and activity in life of the time were only open to those well trained in humanistic manners.
marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 10:13
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