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Explain the meaning of Enlightenment.


Explain the meaning of Enlightenment.



The Enlightenment, also known historically as the Age of Reason was basically characterized by the diminishing authority of the church and an increase in the power of science. It was a period of optimism informed by reason and a commitment to natural law and scientific methods in all spheres of human life, a reaction against untested medieval beliefs. The society generally felt that humanity was finally freed from the religious superstitions of the past. This followed a number of achievements especially in the field of science. Among the pioneers were people like Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) who advanced the discovery of heliocentric world view as opposed to the ancient and medieval geocentric ism published in his volume, On the Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies, in 1543. John Kepler (1571-1630), discovered laws on planetary motions. Galileo Galilei ( 1564-1642) developed a powerful telescope capable of magnifying the stars thirty times which enabled the discovery of a number of distant stars in the universe. Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) established the law of gravitation. The 17th C is also known for many scientific accomplishments where a number of instruments were discovered; the compound microscope (1590), telescope (1608), thermometer, barometer, clock that was improved on the work of Galileo which led to increased interest in scientific observations which became more exact and extensive than before. In addition to astronomy, works in the development of other scientific fields also appeared. Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564), made discoveries in the fields of anatomy and biology. William Harvey the English physician rediscovered the principles on blood
marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 10:18

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