Intellectual Currents
1) Reason and Progress in the 17th and 18th centuries
This movement emphasized the belief in human reason to solve man's problems and create a perfect society. It was committed to the discovery of the natural laws governing human existence that could lead to the progress of the human race. Education therefore had the responsibility of adjusting the human person to natural laws. Natural education was to focus on the earthly paradise than the ancient utopias. Towards this aim, education was to focus on the interests, needs and inclinations of the learners to achieve their goodness in future. Corporal punishment in education was abolished. The new emphasis in education was put on the child's goodness, his needs and the liberation of his energies or potentialities. Education became a means of social correction and reform as a progressive tool to the desired goals. There was the feeling that obsolete and superstitious institutions which corrupted man's natural goodness had to be destroyed.
2) Sense of Realism-18th Century
This movement focused on the search for a method by which reality could be known. This was one of the manifestations of general dissatisfaction with the degenerate humanism. It was argued that man was not a sinful creature but was innately good whose potentials and intelligence could be developed and liberated through natural education. The immediate environment and its objects became important sources of learning. The process of education emphasized on science, nature and reason. Empiricism or the observation of the laws through the senses became important sources of knowledge. Education therefore had to start with the child's sensory experience of objects in the immediate environment.
Educators of Enlightenment Period
John Locke (1632-1704)
John Locke pioneered in the educational theory of the Enlightenment. He was mostly concerned with physical development and methods of educating young children. According to Locke, the mind of the child is a tabula rasa (blank slate) for writing of his experiences through training and circumstance. Before planning for his education, one has to start by understanding the child's moods, interests as well as his innate capacities. Education according to Locke has to aim at developing good manners and virtue in children. He encouraged firm though not harsh discipline for purposes of training a child in good habits. Education also had the role of developing the learner's reasoning in decision making. Teachers are supposed to be kind since unhappy experiences in learning lead to total dislike by the child. In addition to a good education, teachers ought to be people of integrity if they have to take over the place of the parent in instructing the child.Children have to be allowed enough time both for play and study.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Rousseau advocated a return to nature, that is, a return to natural laws in guiding human life. He was opposed to the artificiality encouraged by socio-economical stratification. He emphasized:
- Simplicity according to the laws of nature
- Rights of the individual
- Reflection of the absolute and dogmatic authority of the state and church respectively
- Reflection of blood aristocracy and the associated privileges
Rousseau's educational ideas
Rousseau's educational ideas were articulated in his book ‘EMILE'. The book describes education of Emile who was the example of a well educated person. The book is in five volumes following stages of Emile's development i.e.
- 1st and 2nd Book - Infancy: Intellectual education of body and exercising the senses
- 3rd Book - (12 to 15 years): Intellectual development • 4th Book - (15 to 20 years): Moral development
- 5th Book - Education of women.
Rousseau was opposed to education offered in his era because it was offered according to a person's social status. It was also too general and did not encourage the natural instincts of children.
marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 10:26
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