What is the role of God in traditional African communities?


Describe the role of God in traditional African communities.



(i) He is the guardian of the moral and ethical order.

(ii) He controls the spirits that are more powerful than human beings.

(iii) He gives order to the universe and controls it.

(iv) He speaks to human beings through religious specialists (such as prophets, priests and diviners).

(v) He communicates to religious specialists through dreams, visions and trances.

(vi) He punishes evil doers.

(vii) God provides for the needs of human beings such as rain, food and water.

(viii) He gives and sustains life for all His creation.

(ix) He protects human beings against all forms of evil.

(x) He comforts the sorrowful and heals the sick.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 26, 2017 at 07:53

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