1. Guidance and counseling deal with the personal world of the individual. To understand this world the counselor conducts tests, and interviews.
2. Guidance and counseling rely on cooperation not compulsion. This means that the client should consent either explicitly or imply (suggesting or signifying) that he needs counseling (help). Forced counseling may lead to stubbornness or un co-operation by the client.
3. Guidance and counseling are based on the recognition of the dignity and worth of the individual as well as their right to choose. This is based on the premise that every individual is important and has dignity. That, human beings are equal and have the right to exercise their freedom. Therefore the counselor should regard each client on their own merit and not compare or contrast him with other people.
4. Guidance and counseling are based on the belief that human beings are basically, self – determining creatures. Each one has innate desire for self-direction towards independence and autonomy. Man has the ability to control his destiny and to be fully responsible for his actions.
marto answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 11:37