The term environment is derived from a French word 'Environner' which means 'to encircle or surround'.
-It may be defined as “the aggregate of all the things or external conditions (both biotic and abiotic) that surround an organism or groups of organisms and which affect the existence or development of someone/something at any point in their life cycle'.
- Our surrounding here comprises the whole complex of biotic and abiotic factors, social, economic and cultural conditions that affect an individual or community. It is thus obvious that when considering the environment, many facets and factors are considered.
The term environment means several things:
• The home environment- with its human population and its physical surroundings.
• The local environment – with its immediate surroundings and neighborhood where we spend our days.
• The man – made environment – resulting from the hustles and bustle of human activity and enterprise.
• The social environment - which includes ourselves, our actions and our interactions with other people.
• The cultural environment – which is the dynamic of life shared by a group of people.
• Natural environment – which is inclusive of the atmosphere, the ocean, the land, the trees and the wildlife.
marto answered the question on March 20, 2019 at 06:38