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Explain the term primary succession.


Explain the term primary succession.



Primary succession:

If the area has not been previously occupied, the process of replacement of one ecosystem by another is referred to as primary succession e.g. the gradual invasion of a bare rock surface by what eventually becomes a forest ecosystem.

On bare rock, moss can grow since it is uniquely adapted to this environment. As it grows, it forms a mat thus holding soil particles as they are broken away from the rock. This eventually forms a layer of soil that provides a suitable place for seeds or large plants to lodge. The larger plants collect and build additional soil and eventually there is enough soil to support shrubs and trees. The moss is eventually eliminated. Erosion, earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions periodically expose new rock surfaces so that primary succession is always occurring somewhere.

Primary succession may also occur when a lake is gradually invaded by forest ecosystems, especially due to sedimentation. Sedimentation results to various aquatic plants whose roots stabilize the sediments. As the plants grow and die, their dead remains accumulate and add further to the sediments. Eventually there is an environment dry enough for grasses, shrubs and finally trees. The land ecosystem thus gradually invades a body of water

marto answered the question on March 20, 2019 at 07:32

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