Describe the Environmental and Social Consequences of Population Growth .


Describe the Environmental and Social Consequences of Population Growth .



• The growth of world human population is clearly having a major impact on the environment. It has more than tripled in the last century. This population explosion has been accompanied by rapid changes in science and innovative technologies, which increased the ability of man to manipulate the environment to meet is basic needs and improve the standards of living. This rise in absolute numbers has obvious implications for the environment and sustainability.

• Rising population has put pressure on the environment through stimulating an increased demand for, and utilization of, natural resources such as food, energy, water, and through generation of excess wastes. This has made it almost impossible for majority of developing nations to meet their people’s basic needs and improve the quality of life.

• Such impacts associated with rapid human population growth on the environment are being manifested by prevailing unsustainable patterns of consumption in developed countries (Nyambok and Davis, 1993). The major environmental problems we are facing currently, such as the greenhouse effect, and associated climatic changes; the ozone layer depletion; global deforestation and biodiversity loss are largely a consequence of the high consumption patterns in developed nations. Decreasing consumption is therefore a first major step in trying to address these problems.
depletion; global deforestation and biodiversity loss are largely a consequence of the high consumption patterns in developed nations. Decreasing consumption is therefore a first major step in trying to address these problems.
marto answered the question on March 20, 2019 at 11:28

Next: Briefly explain the Factors that have contributed to demographic transition.
Previous: Explain the environmental and social consequences of rising population in developing countries.

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