Environmental impacts
1. Leachates from refuge dumps percolates into the soil and contaminate underground
2. Scavengers and stray animals invade the roadside garbage and litter the waste over
large area causing much aesthetic damage to the atmosphere [7].
3. Waste products when burnt like plastic and rubber pollute the atmosphere with noxious
4. Organic solid wastes emits obnoxious odor on their decomposition and make the
environment polluted.
Health hazards
1. Vectors like rats and insects invade refuse dumps and spread various diseases.
2. During handling and transfer of hospital and clinic wastes, disease transmission may
take place.
3. Water and food contamination through flies causes various diseases in humans as
dysentery, diarrhoea and amoebic dysentery.
4. Rats dwelling with infectious solid wastes may spread diseases like plague,
salmonellosis, trichinosis, endemic typhus etc.
5. Water supply, if gets contaminated with pathogens present in solid wastes, may result
in cholera, jaundice, hepatitis, gastro enteric diseases etc.
6. Choking of drains and gully pits by the solid wastes results in water logging which
facilitates breeding of mosquitoes and results in the spread of diseases like malaria and
marto answered the question on March 21, 2019 at 05:52
- Outline the advantages of source reduction.(Solved)
Outline the advantages of source reduction.
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List the ways in which Source reduction can be achieved.
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Define Integrated waste management (IWM).
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Define Solid waste management and list five broad categories of municipal solid waste.
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Outline the uses of Ozone layer.
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Outline the effects of Global Warming.
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Explain the causes of greenhouse effect.
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List the problems brought about by the disruption of the carbon cycle.
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List and explain the types of pollution.
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Define the term pollutant.
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Define the term pollution.
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Outline the population control strategies/methods have been suggested for decreasing birth-rates.
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Explain the environmental and social consequences of rising population in developing countries.
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Briefly explain the Factors that have contributed to demographic transition.
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Briefly explain the Stages of the Demographic Transition.
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List the demographic factors influencing population growth patterns.
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List the factors which led to maintenance of high fertility rates.
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Define the term Human population.
Date posted: March 20, 2019. Answers (1)