1. Inner versus outer environments
This refers to the human body and it consists of the environment within the body and the environment outside the body. The human body has three protective barriers against outside environmental contaminants:-
i. The skin, which protects the body from contaminants outside the body
ii. The gastrointestinal tract, which protects the inner body from contaminants (toxins) that have been ingested
iii. The membranes within which the lungs, which protect the inner body from contaminants that have been inhaled
2.Personal versus ambient environment
Individual’s personal environment represents the environment that one can control. T he ambient (working) environment represents the environment over which you have no control. Although the working environment poses the greatest threat to one’s health, the personal environment which is influenced by a number of factors, is equally very important for an individual’s well being. Factors which are important for personal environment include hygiene, diet, sexual practices, exercise, smoking, drug and alcohol use, and frequency of medical checkups.
Gaseous, liquid and solid
3.Human environment exists in one of three forms: gas, liquid, or solid, each of which can be polluted
-Particulate (large particles) and gases are released into the air (gaseous), sewage and liquid waste are discharged into water (liquid) ; and solid waste, such as plastics and toxic chemicals are disposed on land (solid)
-People interact with all these environments
4.Chemicals, biological, physical and socio-economic environments
These types of environment could affect people’s health in a number of ways
-Chemical factors and contaminants include toxic waste and pesticides in the environment, chemicals used at home (cleaning products) and by industry, and preservatives for food.
-Biological factors include different forms of disease causing organisms in water and food, and those that can be transmitted by insects and animals and person to person contact.
-loud and excessive noise, extreme temperatures (heat and cold), and effects of radiation.
-Socio-economic factors; this are hard to measure, but significantly affect the lives and the health of people. Low socio-economic status increases death and illness rates
marto answered the question on March 21, 2019 at 06:03
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