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What were the symbolic actions used by Prophet Jeremiah to illustrate God's judgement and punishment for Judah?


List the symbolic actions used by Prophet Jeremiah to illustrate God's judgement and punishment for Judah.



(i) Jeremiah's visit to a potter's house to witness how he moulded.

(ii) Jeremiah bought a clay flask and smashed it before the elders.

(iii) The wearing of the wooden ox-yoke.

(iv) The vision of the two baskets of figs.

(v) Jeremiah was commanded by God to give the people a cup of wine.

(vi) To wear a waist-cloth and hide it.

(vii) The parable of the jars filled with wine.

(viii) Jeremiah was commanded not to marry or have children.

(ix) Jeremiah was commanded not to enter a house of mourning.

(x) Jeremiah was restricted from participating in social functions such as weddings.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 26, 2017 at 12:49

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