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Discuss the structure of the atmosphere.


Discuss the structure of the atmosphere.



It’s divided into 4 layers/zones namely:

1. Troposphere

-Lowest layer of the atmosphere
-Contains 90% of water vapour
-Rainfall is got from it
-Temperature decreases with increase in altitude (lapse rate)
-Air is turbulent due to mixing of air
-Contains dust particles
-There is a zone of transition between troposphere and stratosphere called tropopause.

2. Stratosphere/ozonosphere

-Layer lying next to troposphere
-Has layers
-Lower isothermal layer in which temperature is constant
-Upper layer of temperature inversion in which temperature increases with increasing altitude
-Has ozone layer which absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation.
-Air is calm so it’s used by passenger jets
-Limited amounts of water vapour
-There is a zone of transition between stratosphere and mesosphere called stratopause.

3. Mesosphere

-Middle layer of the atmosphere.
-Temperature decreases with increasing altitude.
-There is a zone of transition between mesosphere and thermosphere called mesopause which is an inversion layer.

4. Thermosphere/ionosphere

- High radiation is present.
- The pressure is very low.
- Gases and molecules in this layer exist as ions due to high radiation.
- Has no definite top but merges gradually into the outermost part of the atmosphere called exosphere.
- Exosphere consists of rare gases like hydrogen and helium.
- Beyond the atmosphere there is the outer space.
- Outer space is the universe beyond the atmosphere in which other planets and stars exist

marto answered the question on March 22, 2019 at 07:03

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