Discuss the types of Fog.


Discuss the types of Fog.



1. Radiation Fog

- Type formed when moist air is cooled below dew point as a result of intense radiation on the ground at night.

1. Advection Fog
- A warm moist air current moves horizontally over a cooler land / sea surface. Air current is cooled rapidly. Moisture in the air condenses to form water droplets. Water droplets remain suspended in the air in form of fog.

2. Orographic/Hill/Upslope Fog
Type formed when moist air is cooled after climbing a hill or mountain.

3. Evaporation Fog
- Type formed when water vapour is added to cold air that is already near saturation causing excess water vapour to condense and form fog.

4. Frontal Fog
- Type formed when warm moist air is cooled from below as it rises over a cold air mass.

5. Steam Fog
- Type formed when moist air passes over the surface of a much warmer fresh water body.
- The warm water is cooled from above and condensing water vapour forms fog. It appears to be steaming

6. Ice Fog
- Type formed when water vapour is converted directly into ice crystals when temperatures are below freezing point
marto answered the question on March 22, 2019 at 08:42

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